Cookie Policy
Cookie Policy
What are cookies?

A cookie is a small, simple file that is stored on your device in order to, for example, ensure the basic functionality of the website, remember your settings and preferences, and gather statistical data. Different types of cookies exist, with different features and functions, and they might be stored on users’ devices for different timeframes: session cookies are deleted at the end of each browsing session, while persistent cookies may last up to a certain date that has been pre-set by their user.

What is the difference between first-party and third-party cookies?

We differentiate between first-party cookies and third-party cookies. The word “party” refers to the domain as specified in cookie: the website that is placing the cookie. First-party cookies are managed by Munro itself or used on behalf of Munro and refer to Munro’s domain. Third-party cookies are placed by third parties and refer to their domain name. For example: if we embed YouTube movies into our website, such videos will also place third-party cookies that refer to the YouTube domain.

Explanation of cookie types:
Cookie type First/third party Explanation
Functional cookies First-party cookies Munro uses functional website cookies to help you login to your accounts if you have registered in for these accounts or for submitting orders.
Munro can also place cookies to help testing Website changes & improvements for a better user experience.
Analytical cookies First- and third-party cookies Analytical cookies allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors to our Website, to see how visitors behave on the Website and to record which content is read. This helps us to determine how frequently particular pages are visited and to determine the most popular areas of our Website and/or services. This helps us to improve the Website and the services offered to you.
Tracking cookies First- and third-party cookies Tracking cookies collect information about your browsing behaviour during and after the use of our Website. This gives us and other advertisers the opportunity to show you personalised content. You are explicitly requested to accept these types of cookies (‘opt in’).
Personalization cookies First- and third-party cookies Selected third parties can place behavioral tracking cookies to track personalized behavior on Munro’s website with the purpose to create and serve better and more personalized or segmented content. You are explicitly requested to accept these types of cookies (‘opt in’).
What specific cookies does Munro use?

We use the numerous types of cookies on our website. The exact cookies, purpose of their use, required permissions, and storage time can be found here.